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Bottle Opener


The second project in Stanford's ME318 Computer-Aided Product Realization tasked the class with designing and manufacturing a bottle opener to fit within the assigned theme of "sustainability." My brainstorming and initial sketches eventually led me to model my bottle opener after an ozone molecule. I made sure to model the two branching openers at the correct bond angle and made good use of Fusion's revolve, sweep, and loft tools in order to achieve the smooth, nature-inspired form. With much more machining time allotted to this project, I was able to machine both sides of the mild steel with a variety of flat and ball end mills. The combination of my wax-held part flip and ball end mill finishing passes left my bottle opener smooth and functional right out of the machine. The only finishing required was filing down a small outer lip, sand blasting an even finish, and preserving the steel from oxidation with paste wax. 

Process Haas VF2 CNC Mill, Sand blasting, Paste wax coat

Materials/Finish Mild steel, wax sealed




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